Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21st - Assignment #17

Assignment #17 - Contrast

Contrast -- in lighting -- is another way to add dimension to an image. Lighting contrast is the difference between the lightest light and the darkest dark in a photograph. Manipulating this element, works wonders to extend the depth, the three-dimensional quality of a photograph - one of the great feats and benchmarks for your photographs. You can also use contrast in shape & size to affect the intricacy of your photos; contrasting geometry inherently creates that dramatic tension that we were talking about earlier. You feel like there is more to “the story”. The photo of the Eiffel Tower above employs contrast in lighting and size to increase the effectiveness of this photo. The man in silhouette appears to be nearly as tall as the Eiffel Tower, and the complex pattern of the Eiffel Tower (more pronounced in silhouette) seems to be etched into the pulsating red sunset sky. Imagine how lackluster this image would be if it was taken at noon.
Composition tips-Sunset at eiffel tower and photographer

Examples from Google Images

Assignment:  For this assignment, get at least 3 photos utilizing lighting contrast and email them to me.  These will be due after the break on December 1st.