Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday, September 10th - PLAN 'C'

Okay, we need to redirect our focus in this course.  Problems with Flickr has set us back 2-3 class periods.  So here is the update for past and future assignments:

  • We will no longer use Flickr at all
  • You will now turn in you assignments via email, along with the following criteria:
    • one assignment per email
    • the 3 photos from the assignment will be 'attached' to the email
    • subject line of the email - 'Photo Assignment - Rules of Third'
    • in body of the email - 3 to 4 sentences about your photos and what you learned from this assignments
Today you need to submit your photos for the following assignments:  Rules of Thirds and Natural Framing (Framing the Photo)

Assignments turned in after today, September 10th, 10:00 pm, will be considered late and will not receive full credit.